TFT Item Stats Set 13 Patch 13.6 BR
We've compiled all of the available information, stats, and data on every item in the League of Legends game Teamfight Tactics Set 13: Into the Arcane. Use the table below to view the following for each item: score, trends, average placement, top 4 rate, win rate, and pick rate. Quickly visualize how the items stack up against each other to help make the best decision on in-game purchases and give yourself an advantage during TFT games.
Item | Tier | Score | Trend | Avg Place | Top 4 % | Win % | Pick % |
adaptivehelm![]() Adaptive Helm
| Good / A | 49.54 | -0.63 | 4.04 | 59.45% | 14.85% | 1.34% |
ambusheremblem![]() Ambusher Emblem
| Fair / B | 47.80 | -0.08 | 4.32 | 53.75% | 15.00% | 0.26% |
archangelsstaff![]() Archangel's Staff
| Strong / S | 55.24 | -0.17 | 4.29 | 54.18% | 12.68% | 3.49% |
artilleristemblem![]() Artillerist Emblem
| Weak / C | 46.38 | -0.96 | 4.46 | 50.45% | 14.53% | 0.18% |
automataemblem![]() Automata Emblem
| Strong / S | 51.41 | +0.29 | 3.87 | 62.00% | 16.68% | 0.32% |
blackroseemblem![]() Black Rose Emblem
| Strong / S | 52.11 | -0.51 | 3.78 | 63.02% | 18.47% | 0.55% |
bloodthirster![]() Bloodthirster
| Strong / S | 55.65 | -0.35 | 4.35 | 53.04% | 13.07% | 3.80% |
bluebuff![]() Blue Buff
| Fair / B | 47.97 | -0.31 | 4.20 | 55.94% | 13.54% | 1.96% |
bramblevest![]() Bramble Vest
| Strong / S | 53.04 | +0.40 | 4.11 | 58.48% | 13.14% | 1.92% |
bruiseremblem![]() Bruiser Emblem
| Weak / C | 45.80 | -1.15 | 4.48 | 49.93% | 12.82% | 0.31% |
conqueroremblem![]() Conqueror Emblem
| Good / A | 48.38 | -0.20 | 4.25 | 53.51% | 18.70% | 0.51% |
crownguard![]() Crownguard
| Good / A | 48.96 | -0.07 | 4.11 | 57.72% | 14.08% | 1.23% |
deathblade![]() Deathblade
| Good / A | 50.75 | -0.38 | 4.17 | 56.93% | 13.18% | 1.17% |
dragonsclaw![]() Dragon's Claw
| Strong / S | 53.55 | -0.32 | 4.17 | 57.50% | 12.31% | 2.35% |
edgeofnight![]() Edge of Night
| Good / A | 50.81 | -0.76 | 4.17 | 56.13% | 13.54% | 1.25% |
enforceremblem![]() Enforcer Emblem
| Good / A | 49.21 | -1.03 | 4.09 | 56.62% | 16.86% | 0.48% |
evenshroud![]() Evenshroud
| Good / A | 48.86 | -0.79 | 4.11 | 58.34% | 13.21% | 1.63% |
experimentemblem![]() Experiment Emblem
| Good / A | 50.07 | -0.41 | 3.98 | 58.79% | 16.29% | 0.29% |
familyemblem![]() Family Emblem
| Strong / S | 52.01 | +1.00 | 3.81 | 62.80% | 17.92% | 0.47% |
firelightemblem![]() Firelight Emblem
| Strong / S | 51.74 | -0.35 | 3.80 | 63.05% | 16.59% | 0.36% |
gargoylestoneplate![]() Gargoyle Stoneplate
| God / S+ | 56.50 | -0.37 | 4.31 | 53.90% | 12.82% | 3.99% |
giantslayer![]() Giant Slayer
| Strong / S | 53.47 | -0.74 | 4.13 | 57.62% | 13.98% | 2.29% |
guardbreaker![]() Guardbreaker
| Strong / S | 52.91 | -0.44 | 4.13 | 57.15% | 14.94% | 2.01% |
guinsoosrageblade![]() Guinsoo's Rageblade
| God / S+ | 60.45 | +0.44 | 4.24 | 55.07% | 12.99% | 5.68% |
handofjustice![]() Hand Of Justice
| Strong / S | 54.13 | -0.26 | 4.28 | 54.65% | 13.24% | 2.97% |
hextechgunblade![]() Hextech Gunblade
| Strong / S | 53.10 | +0.46 | 4.05 | 59.13% | 15.07% | 1.83% |
infinityedge![]() Infinity Edge
| God / S+ | 56.33 | -0.61 | 4.38 | 52.78% | 13.08% | 4.13% |
ionicspark![]() Ionic Spark
| Strong / S | 51.90 | -0.97 | 4.14 | 56.91% | 13.16% | 1.65% |
jeweledgauntlet![]() Jeweled Gauntlet
| God / S+ | 55.94 | -0.29 | 4.33 | 52.99% | 12.52% | 3.96% |
lastwhisper![]() Last Whisper
| Strong / S | 51.83 | -0.91 | 4.33 | 53.37% | 12.52% | 2.15% |
morellonomicon![]() Morellonomicon
| Strong / S | 51.79 | -0.42 | 4.00 | 59.68% | 15.97% | 1.10% |
nashorstooth![]() Nashor's Tooth
| Fair / B | 47.90 | -0.83 | 4.20 | 55.85% | 13.22% | 2.63% |
pitfighteremblem![]() Pit Fighter Emblem
| Good / A | 48.19 | +0.91 | 4.25 | 53.65% | 17.05% | 0.33% |
protectorsvow![]() Protector's Vow
| Strong / S | 51.68 | -0.19 | 4.08 | 57.95% | 13.81% | 1.37% |
quicksilver![]() Quicksilver
| Good / A | 50.60 | -0.51 | 4.18 | 56.32% | 14.33% | 1.12% |
quickstrikeremblem![]() Quickstriker Emblem
| Fair / B | 47.38 | -0.05 | 4.37 | 53.29% | 13.85% | 0.22% |
rabadonsdeathcap![]() Rabadon's Deathcap
| Strong / S | 51.98 | -0.14 | 4.23 | 56.20% | 12.73% | 1.82% |
rebelemblem![]() Rebel Emblem
| Good / A | 49.39 | -0.12 | 4.05 | 56.55% | 17.96% | 0.44% |
redbuff![]() Red Buff
| Strong / S | 52.68 | +0.05 | 4.02 | 59.44% | 15.26% | 1.59% |
redemption![]() Redemption
| Strong / S | 54.34 | +0.14 | 4.02 | 59.61% | 14.17% | 2.28% |
runaanshurricane![]() Runaan's Hurricane
| Good / A | 51.19 | -0.19 | 4.04 | 59.21% | 14.16% | 0.99% |
sentinelemblem![]() Sentinel Emblem
| Weak / C | 46.29 | -1.53 | 4.45 | 50.39% | 14.22% | 0.48% |
sorcereremblem![]() Sorcerer Emblem
| Bad / D | 43.38 | -1.38 | 4.70 | 44.65% | 11.01% | 0.35% |
spearofshojin![]() Spear of Shojin
| God / S+ | 59.66 | -0.27 | 4.43 | 51.35% | 12.42% | 5.73% |
statikkshiv![]() Statikk Shiv
| Strong / S | 52.08 | -0.76 | 4.09 | 57.97% | 14.55% | 1.55% |
steadfastheart![]() Steadfast Heart
| Good / A | 48.93 | -0.74 | 4.10 | 58.43% | 13.08% | 1.53% |
steraksgage![]() Sterak's Gage
| Fair / B | 47.83 | -0.41 | 4.21 | 56.20% | 12.22% | 1.99% |
sunfirecape![]() Sunfire Cape
| Strong / S | 55.70 | -0.36 | 4.25 | 55.09% | 13.37% | 3.52% |
tacticianscape![]() Tactician's Cape
| Good / A | 50.30 | +0.25 | 4.05 | 58.72% | 16.56% | 0.20% |
tacticianscrown![]() Tactician's Crown
| Good / A | 50.68 | -0.34 | 4.04 | 58.16% | 18.12% | 0.63% |
tacticiansshield![]() Tactician's Shield
| Good / A | 50.12 | +0.29 | 4.07 | 60.42% | 12.68% | 0.13% |
thiefsgloves![]() Thief's Gloves
| God / S+ | 56.31 | -0.31 | 3.96 | 60.79% | 16.79% | 2.93% |
titansresolve![]() Titan's Resolve
| Strong / S | 54.31 | -0.35 | 4.25 | 55.60% | 12.78% | 2.93% |
visionaryemblem![]() Visionary Emblem
| Bad / D | 44.63 | -0.98 | 4.60 | 47.25% | 12.40% | 0.33% |
warmogsarmor![]() Warmog's Armor
| Strong / S | 55.64 | -0.71 | 4.21 | 56.06% | 12.40% | 3.43% |